Committee Roles


Elected Honorary Officer

Be the first point of contact for all members and external agencies.

Number one keyholder in event of any issue at the outdoor range

Lead each committee meeting.

Guide and shape the path of the organisation.

Promote the club in the local environment

Have responsibility, with Treasurer and Secretary, for club funds held in bank accounts

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week

Vice Chair

Elected Honorary Officer

Support the Chair in their role.

Stand in to lead meetings as necessary.

Manage specific project on behalf of the club.

Communicate with outside organisations and coordinate the project to completion.

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week


Elected Honorary Officer

Have responsibility, with Chair and Secretary, for club funds held in bank accounts

Deal with all club monies both into and out of the club.

Ensure any financial issues are brought to the Management Committee as soon as possible.

Prepare financial statements and maintain accurate records.

Number three keyholder in event of any issue at the outdoor range

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week


Elected Honorary Officer

Produce agendas and papers for Management Committee meetings and for AGM and any EGM

Record minutes of these meetings.

Publish minutes to the committee, by email, within 7 days of meeting.

Publish minutes to club members, via the members area of the website, within 7 days of ratification by the Management Committee

Prepare written documents on behalf of the club as necessary.

Act as main point of contact with Archery GB, Yorkshire Archer Association, Northern Counties Archery Society.

Have responsibility, with Chair and Treasurer, for club funds held in bank accounts

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week

Membership Secretary

Elected Honorary Officer

Issue invoices for subscriptions to members.

Prepare documentation for organisations receiving money from the club with regard to membership.

Coordinate with Treasurer to pay these fees.

Respond to enquiries form existing members and potential new members.

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week

Junior Representative

Elected Officer

Get the views of the junior members and represent these at committee meetings

Suggest activities to encourage greater Junior engagement.

Time commitment – Circa 0.5 hr per week

Safeguarding Office

Elected or Co-opted Officer

Ascertain that the club fulfils the Archery GB safeguarding policy.

Promote safeguarding to all members of the club

Regularly review the clubs Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

First point of contact for any safeguarding issue.

Time commitment – Circa 0.5 hr per week

Head Coach

Elected or Co-opted Officer

Support members at all levels in their goals to learn about archery.

Support, mentor and organise the club’s coaches

Organise beginners’ courses and liaise with the Beginners Officer to ensure participation

Organise training courses for novices

Encourage and support experienced archers to become Level 1 and Level 2 Coaches, to meet club need

Respond to requests for support from members regarding developing style and technique.

Promote the role of coaches within the club on an ongoing basis.

Maintain a register of the clubs Archery Equipment

Administer club bow loan scheme

Arrange where necessary assessments for prospective members and associates

Time commitment – Circa 4 hrs per week

Beginners Officer

Elected or Co-opted Officer

Coordinate all enquiries from the website for new prospective members and maintain a database.

Contact each person to enrol on a course.

Issue invoices to course attendees.

Liaise with the Head Coach to organise the courses.

Maintain attendance registers for beginners’ courses

Print certificates for beginners’ courses.

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week

Equipment and Maintenance Officer

Elected or Co-opted Officer

Second key holder in event of any issue at the outdoor range.

Maintain a register of the clubs none archery equipment.

Lead on the maintenance of all club owned archery equipment.

Lead on the maintenance of all club owned none archery equipment.

Actively maintain the grounds around the clubhouse and the archery field.

Help Vice Chair with specific projects and coordinate with contractors.

Time commitment – Circa 3 hrs per week in summer and 2hrs per week in winter.

Records Officer

Elected and / or Co-opted Officer

Record scores achieved by all members for both indoor and outdoor rounds.

Promote the awards schemes supported by the club.

Time commitment – Circa 0.5 hr per week

Communication Officer

Elected or Co-opted Officer

Lead on communication with members and the wider community

Mange the club’s public and private Facebook pages

Manage the club’s website and ensure details and news is regularly updated

Promote the club in all media channels

Time commitment – Circa 1 hr per week

Competition and Events Officer

Elected or Co-opted Officer

Organise the clubs Big Weekend Event

Organise the clubs regular competitions

Promote, with the Communications Officer, local, regional and national competitions to members

Organise the clubs social events and visits with others

Time commitment – Circa 0.5 hr per week

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