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Children’s & Young Person Guide

Don’t Let Anyone Spoil the Fun

Sport is fun – it gives you the opportunity to make new friends, try out new activities and amaze yourself with what you can do!

When the fun is being spoilt because of the behaviour of others, then speak out.


Did you know that name calling via text or email is bullying?  These are forms of bullying:

  • physically pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching.
  • name calling, spreading rumours, persistent teasing.
  • humiliation or the continual ignoring of others.
  • posting abusive comments, videos or images on social media.
  • comments, taunts or gestures because of your ethnicity, religion or disability.
  • sexual comments, suggestions or behaviour.
  • unwanted physical contact.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Physical activity, being outdoors and socialising can improve mental health and wellbeing.  However, the current Covid-19 restrictions are limiting these activities and for many people it is affecting their mental health.  Are you feeling lonely, anxious and worried? Are you unable to sleep or eat properly?  Child Line has a message board where you can share your experiences and air out any feelings you have with other young people.  Talking and sharing your problems can help.  Contact Young Mindsand Child Line

Somethings Not Right

Grooming is when a person starts to build up a relationship with you and over time will trick you or put pressure on you to do things you feel uncomfortable doing.  They may start being friendly, giving you compliments and sending lots of messages.  The contact will increase and gradually they may ask personal and intimate questions.  They will ask you to keep it secret.

Online grooming is increasing and can take place via text, email and on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.

Is something worrying you? Do you feel uncomfortable about the way someone behaves towards you?

Do not keep it to yourself.  Tell an adult you trust as soon as possible and talk to a Childline or NSPCC counsellor to help you work out who is best to talk to.  These are some examples:

  • a parent or someone else in your family
  • friend’s parent, carer or neighbour
  • another member of staff at the archery club
  • a teacher or school counsellor
  • your doctor or school nurse
  • your club will have a child protection officer – find out who they are and tell them about your worries
  • religious leader for example a priest, imam or rabbi
  • make sure you are not alone with the person who has tried to harm you

How to start those Conversations?

  • Find the right time to talk
  • Ask if they can keep what you tell them private
  • Practice what you want to say out loud in front of a mirror
  • Try talking about something else first, and then say something like:

“I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how.”

“This is hard for me to say, but I have something important to tell you.”

“I need some advice on something I’m stressed about.”

If you are still not sure how to start a conversation, write a letter, note, text or email to the person you trust.

The NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Childline UK – 0800 11 11

Web Links grooming

The club safeguarding officer is John Seymour

you can also contact or speak to one of the coaches !!

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