Archery, like any other sport, can involve a large range of equipment and accessories.
however, to get started all you really need are the basics:
A bow A finger Tab
a string A quiver
some arrows a bow stand
a bracer a bow stringer
Please note: Aire Valley Archers will provide all the equipment required as part of the beginners course – however on successfully completing the course you will be expected to purchase all your personal archery equipment to use at the clubs facilities. This can prove quite expensive to start with so please take advice about what you need to purchase from the club officials and coaches and short term loan of club equipment may be available on request.
Bow There are three main types of bow shot in the UK today – Recurve, Compound and Longbow.
Nearly all beginners will start with a recurve bow, which is the easiest on which to learn.
Recurves get their name because the ends of the bow curve away from the archer.
They can be left-handed or right-handed to suit the individual, and have an arrow rest that the arrows
sits on.
Bracer A bracer is used to keep loose clothing from getting in the way of the string, and to stop the
string hitting the arm, which could cause bruising. It is fitted to the inside of the arm holding the
bow, between the elbow joint and the wrist. The widest end of the bracer fits closest to the elbow.
Quiver a quiver is simply a device designed to hold an archer’s arrows. A side quiver is attached
to a belt and worn around the waist, while a ground quiver is placed on or into the ground to hold
arrows next to the archer. Some ground quivers can also hold bows when they are not in use.
Bow Stand a simple support used to hold a bow off the ground when it is not being shot.
Finger Tab A tab provides protection for the fingers which draw the string. For a close and
comfortable fit they are secured over the archer’s fingers, and some models can be adjusted
to the size of your hand.
Bow Stringer A bow stringer is used to string and unstring a bow.
For your own safety it is always best to learn to do this under the guidance of an experienced
archer or coach.
Target A target is comprised of three parts: A target face, usually made of reinforced paper.
a Boss, made from tightly packed rubber or straw which stops the arrows safely.
And a stand, which holds the boss and target face in place.
Arrow Rest An arrow rest is a simple device that fits to the riser of the bow to support an arrow
while it is being shot. It is designed to hold the arrow in the correct position, and is flexible
enough not to interfere with the arrow as it begins its flight.
Arrow rests are available for left- and right-handed bows.
Arrows – can be wooden, aluminium, carbon, or a carbon/aluminium combination.
Choosing the right arrow stiffness and length for you is vital.
You must never use an arrow that is too short because when you draw it, there
is a risk it can fall off the arrow rest and damage the bow – or worse – damage you.
Arrows are made up of four components:
Shaft – this is the main body of the arrow, and can be solid wood or an aluminium or carbon tube.
Nock: The nock is the groove at the end of the arrow that clips onto the bow string.
Fletchings: These plastic or feather attachments are secured to the back of the arrow shaft.
and they help to provide stability during the arrow’s flight
Pile: the pile is simply the point of the arrow. they are often made of a heavier metal than the shaft to help the arrow fly straight